Our research is unceasing and has no limits. The aim is to seek ever more innovative technologies to improve its products and respond precisely to the needs of each individual, allowing them to recharge their batteries every night.
Dual Core | Magnistretch | Magnicool | Vacuum Packed | Layer Manufacturing Process
Soft - Soft
Soft - Firm
Firm - Soft
Firm - Firm
The Magnistretch technology lengthens the body and stretches the spine from the lumbar area toward the neck and feet. Weight is distributed and the space between the vertebrae increases. Meaning you wake up full of energy and vitality.
MagniStretch is a high-tech and innovative mattress developed in collaboration with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of Zaragoza and is endorsed by the ACA (American Chiropractic Association)
he innovative Magnicool fabric gives a unique sensation of freshness. Like a gentle breeze, it promises an awakening as sweet and fresh as a cloud.
• Thermo-regulation: It guarantees a cool, dry slumber.
• Fresh: It gives an instant feeling of freshness.
• Extremely breathable: It ensures good breathability.
Open the package
Unroll the mattress
Let it rest for at least 4 hours
100% rest begins after 24 hours